Monday, 3 February 2014


Not the weather which remains as stormy and worrying for those in low lying areas as it has for some while now but I've finally got outside on the bike.

On Saturday I managed to get a half-hour ride with Cath riding down the dale from Kilnsey to Threshfield and back. (Did it this way to get assistance from the wind on the way back) I was a bit unsteady for the first few hundred metres but it's nearly ten weeks since I've been on a bike. This half hour was squashed between the morning ice and the afternoon storms.

On Sunday I went over to Bolton By Bowland where there's a lot of roads with gentle gradients, about as flat as you'll get round here. Two laps of a sixteen Km loop. I felt fairly strong for both laps and I managed roughly the same time for both laps so fairly consistent but I was definitely feeling tired towards the end. I was still tired last night but things will get better.

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